Racially Literacy is the understanding of the nuances of race. Lani Guinier states, “Racial literacy reads race in its psychological, interpersonal, and structural dimensions.” Culturally responsive pedagogy is the by-product of racial literacy, beginning only with an individual’s ability to knowledgably reflect upon and conceptualize race. Similarly, to data literacy (or literacy alone), the Racial Literacy Club aims to build competency among pre-service educators allowing them to better form a culturally responsive pedagogy.

Racial literacy resides in learning and growth.

France Winddance Twine’s research indicates a racial-competency spectrum in connection to racial literacy, sharing the varied understandings of race, without judgment, however acknowledging the benefits of race-competency.

The Ontario Ministry of Education’s Capacity Building Series states, “Culturally responsive pedagogy is not about ‘cultural celebrations,’ nor is it aligned with traditional ideas around multiculturalism. It involves careful acknowledgement, respect and an understanding of difference and its complexities.” But, how do we cultivate careful acknowledgement, respect and an understanding of differences without racial literacy?

Racial literacy allows a path to understanding and the ability to grapple inequities at a proactive level.

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