This is probably one of the MOST insightful concepts within racial literacy and although discussed DECADES ago is still relevant today.
Interest convergence is a concept connected to Critical Race Theorist and Civil Rights Activist - Derrick Bell. Bell is the first tenured African-American professor of law at Harvard Law School.

He uses this principle to assess the prioritization of white supremacy within Macro-level legal decisions made to achieve “racial justice.” The principle is most notable in its connections to the Brown vs Board of Education act where although segregation ended, the call for INTEGRATION was met with de-segregation (a mixing of bodies) and residual racial inequality.

Decades later this is still relevant as it allows us to think critically about the decisions made to foster racial justice. And, not only at the macro level but at an individual level when doing anti-racism work.
If you’re feeling unsure about a decision you’re making within your anti-racism work, here are a few reflective questions you can use:
Whose interest am I appealing to?
Who does this act centre?
What are my intentions?
What are the possible impacts of my intentions?
Let us know some ways you ensure your priorities centre Black lives during this movement HERE.